Case ID: 911035
Solution & Analysis for Oral Rehydration Therapy by Nava Ashraf, Claire Qureshi
This case highlights the puzzlingly high rate of diarrhea-related child mortality in developing countries despite the existence of a simple, effective treatment: oral rehydration therapy (ORT). ORT treated extreme dehydration caused by diarrhea, which was a leading cause of death among young children in developing countries, particularly in Africa and Asia. Heralded in the 1970s as one of the most important medical advancements of the 20th century, ORT contributed to a reduction in diarrhea-related child deaths from roughly 4.5 million in 1980 to 1.5 million in 2000. Yet for reasons unclear to the global public health community, the mortality rate stalled at around 1.5 million, where it remained in 2010. In presenting the problem of diarrhea-related death, the solution represented by ORT, and the various factors potentially influencing ORT utilization, the case allows students to analyze the possible causes of low ORT utilization and potential measures to address them.
Communication, Consumer behavior, Developing countries, Distribution channels, Emerging markets, Execution, Global business, Government policy, Health care, Influence, Innovation, Organizational behavior, Organizational problems, Supply chain management, Oral Rehydration Therapy
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